Chronic Covid and Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine
Some of the many symptoms of Chronic Covid.
{Rough Draft on How Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Effectively Treats Chronic Covid Symptoms. Check Back Soon For More}
One of the most worrisomely interesting aspects of the Covid pandemic has been discovering that, for many people who survived the initial illness, some symptoms have become chronic while new and unusual symptoms can often emerge months later.
Here at the Northside Holistic Center, I have seen many of these people since the beginning of the pandemic and have been pleased to see how many of them respond extremely well to acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
The New York Time had an article about these so-called “Covid Long-Haulers.
“These patients have labeled themselves “Covid long-haulers.” What they’re suffering from, they say, is “long Covid.” As a group, they report a strange hodgepodge of symptoms, including fatigue, pain, shortness of breath, light sensitivity, exercise intolerance, insomnia, hearts that race inexplicably, diarrhea and cramping, memory problems and a debilitating “brain fog” that can at times make it hard to put a cogent sentence together. In many cases, these symptoms continue unabated from the acute phase of the illness — as if, on some level, the infection never really went away. And for a subset of patients, new symptoms emerge later, as if a different illness has established itself in their bodies.”
NYTimes article about Chronic Covid symptoms.